Thursday 17 January 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

خۆشه‌ویستی سینه‌ما ( ۱ )
چ ئێواره‌یه‌کی خۆشبو وه‌ چ فیلمێکی خۆشبو! چوم بۆ سه‌یرکردنی فیلمی سیلڤه‌ر لانینگ پله‌یبووک ( ) له‌ ده‌رهێنانی ده‌یڤید ئۆ ره‌سل  وه‌ نواندنی برادلی کۆپه‌ر، جه‌نێفه‌ر لۆره‌نس و ئه‌کته‌ری به‌ناوبانگ رۆبه‌رت دێ نرۆ. زۆر ئاسان بوو بۆ من که‌ زۆر زوو بتاوێمه‌وه‌ له‌ ناو چیرۆکی فیلمه‌که‌ وه‌ هه‌ست به‌ قولی چیرۆکه‌ بکه‌م وه‌ ببم به‌ به‌شێک له‌ خه‌ونی ده‌رهێنه‌ره‌کو له‌گه‌ل ئه‌کته‌ره‌کان هه‌ستم به‌رزو نزم بێت! به‌راستی خه‌ونوو راستیه‌کی خۆشو به‌سود بوو.
پات ( برادلی کۆپه‌ر ) توشی نه‌خۆشی ده‌رونی بووه‌ پاش ئه‌وه‌ی خێزانه‌که‌ی خیانه‌تی لێ کرد وه‌ باوکی ( رۆبه‌رت دێ نێرو ) له‌گه‌ل دایکی ( جاکی ویڤه‌ر ) هه‌وڵ ده‌ده‌ن که‌ یارمه‌تی بده‌ن وه‌ له‌م گرفته‌ ده‌رونیه‌ رزگاری بکه‌ن، به‌ڵام پات هه‌ر به‌خه‌ونی ئه‌وه‌ ده‌ژیت که‌ ده‌بێت چاک بێته‌وه‌ تاکو بگه‌رێته‌وه‌ بۆ خێزانه‌که‌ی! له‌ لایه‌کی تر تێفه‌نی ( جه‌نێفه‌ر لۆره‌نس ) ئه‌ویش توشی نه‌خۆشی ده‌رونی بووه‌ پاش مردنی هاوسه‌ره‌که‌ی، ئه‌م دوو نه‌خۆشه‌ یه‌کتر ده‌بیننو تێفه‌نی ده‌یه‌وێت له‌ پات نزیک ببێته‌وه‌ به‌ڵام پات نایه‌وێت چونکه‌ خه‌یاڵی ئه‌وه‌ی هه‌یه‌ که‌ خێزانه‌که‌ی بۆی ده‌گه‌رته‌وه‌! ده‌رهێنه‌ر چه‌ند به‌ قوڵی باسی دوو نه‌خۆش ده‌کات وه‌ چۆن هه‌ڵسو که‌وت ده‌که‌ن له‌گه‌ل یه‌کتر، چۆن ئه‌و که‌سانه‌ی ده‌ورو به‌ریان هه‌وڵ ده‌ده‌ن که‌ هه‌موو هه‌سته‌ مرۆڤایه‌تیه‌کانیان به‌کار بێنن بۆ یارمه‌تی ئه‌م دوو نه‌خۆشه‌! چۆن پێمان ده‌لێن که‌ به‌ خۆشه‌ویستی ده‌توانین گرفته‌ ده‌رونیه‌کانمان چاک بکه‌ینه‌وه‌و ده‌بێت له‌بیر نه‌که‌ین که‌ ئێمه‌ مرۆڤین وه‌ پێویستیمان به‌ یارمه‌تی ده‌رونی هه‌یه‌، به‌راستی ئه‌کته‌ره‌کان زۆر به‌رێکو پێکی ده‌وره‌کانی دیت، هه‌ستم ده‌کرد که‌ ئه‌وان به‌راستی ئه‌م گرفتانه‌یان به‌سه‌ر هاتووه‌!
تێکه‌ڵ که‌ردنی هه‌موو به‌شه‌کانی فیلمه‌که‌ کارێرێکی زۆر جوانو پرۆفیشینالانه‌بوو له‌ لایه‌ن ده‌رهێنه‌ره‌ک، چیرۆکی هه‌موو که‌سایه‌تیه‌کانی فیلمه‌که‌ی کۆ ده‌کرده‌وه‌ به‌یه‌که‌وه‌ به‌بێ ئه‌وه‌ی که‌ چیرۆکی سه‌ره‌کی فیلمه‌که‌ ون بێت له‌ پێش چاوی بینه‌ر، به‌کار هێنانی کامێرا زۆر لێهاتوو بوو له‌گه‌ل چیرۆکی فیلمه‌که‌، چیتر بڵێم زیاتر له‌وه‌ی که‌ توانیان چیرۆکێکی رۆژانه‌ی مرۆڤایه‌تیان زۆر به‌ ساده‌ییو جوان پێشکه‌ش کرد به‌ بینه‌ران، ده‌ستیان خۆش بێت.
منیش گره‌مه‌وه‌ ماڵوه‌ وه‌ ده‌ستم کرد به‌نوسینی بۆچونی خۆمو هه‌سته‌کانی خۆم بۆ ئه‌وه‌ی که‌ بڵێم سینه‌ما چه‌ند گرنگه‌ بۆ مرۆڤایه‌تی وه‌ بۆ گۆرین هه‌سته‌کانمان بۆ باشتر. بزانینی فیلمی هه‌فته‌ی داهاتوو چی ده‌ڵێ :) 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Back in Erbil.

The festival is finished and I am back to my city ( Erbil )

I really miss everything in festival, it was fantastic experience.

In the morning today, I start on some arts management ideas which we had plan for it in the festival, I spend my morning of researching and translating information from english to Arabic and kurdish, was very good feeling as I start thinking one more time about project I love to do it and work on it. I think the weather and the atmospheric in Erbil maks you think differently, not bad, I always like to start and do new things!

Today afternoon, I was in the old market in Erbil with my friend and then we went in Erbil football stadium, Erbil was plying   against Malaysian team KELANTAN, in FAC CUP, we win 5-1 , what a great game ! and the ticket was free as well :)   

I am thinking know how to make a good film festival in Erbil?

Good night :)

Sunday 16 September 2012

5th day of Duhok International film festival

In the Duhok film festival yesterday I watched one short film made by a Kurdish Director Iraj Mohammadi, ( Ghi ghoo ), Feature France film by Alan gomis ( Today ) , Short Turkish film ( Bread ) by Koray Sevindi , and Feature Kurdish Irani film by Shahram Maslakhi.  

I liked all of them as an art work and appreciate all their hard work, but some directors and film makers in the festival told me that they didn't like all of them! and my answer was that is normal because we all are different and I am sure there are people they dont like your work too! I siad that to work and build a philosophy of excepting each other hard works and tray to not show that we are complete and know everything, and then thinking about others that they are below then you! I know you all good film makers and we all have to learn more!

I also been around the city today, Duhok is a beautiful city,,, I love it :)

Miss Angela Movileanu the a young moldavian researcher which she is doing research in Kurdistan about Kurdish Identity, I met her few days ago and we met again yesterday and we sit yesterday night with Mr Nasir Hassan a Kurdish TV an Film director, we had a very long conversation about the  work in this industry, he kindly told me many stories related on his experience, he also shoed me some of his last tv drama Kirkuk4, it was a good story to have in Kirkuk city, hi been attacked by terrorists 3 times and now he have 14 bullets in his body! but he stil want to work and shier his imagination with other people.    

Duhok International film festival is great, I feel I am very lucky to be here, thanks to all of you guy who organised this festival, you all are great :) 

Friday 14 September 2012

4th day in Duhok international film festival.

It was a very nice day as my feeling was fully of positive energy, I really met a very nice people and very good actors!

 I watched short Italian film Babylon fast food, by Alessandro Valori, Documentary France, Avierge les coptes et moi, by Namir Abdel Messeeh, Short Iran, Ghorobe Halazon, by Azad Mohammadi, Feautre Spanish, Open 24h, by Carles Torras, Short Kurdish, Power , by Husain Hassan, Short Iran, Kochei poshte Khane ma, by Shilan Saadi, and Feature Kurdish, 10 Seconds,by Ako aziz.

I really liked all of them, Open 24h and 10 Seconds was my favorite,

I also met with all this films directors and we had a good conversation about their films and some back ground about their works and the place they came from.

I met With The Shirin film director Mr Hassan Ali and we had a long conversation regarding job opportunities in Kurdistan for me, he really gave me good advices, I also had a very deep chat with Shilan Saadi and a turkish directo Miss Asmin Bayram ( The director of Ones again peace ) about film festivals is Kurdistan of Turkey ( North Kurdistan ) and Kurdistan of Iran ( East Kurdistan ), we also exchanged ideais about how we see the future of Kurdistan, as this was my first time to discase this issues with other Kurdish people from other parts of Kurdistan! I had feeling that we need to meet and talk more and more to know each other better, this is for me, because it was the first time :)

I am planing to go back to erbil today, but I have feeling that I want to stay more, but I will see, just because my budget! it is only me who came from Erbil on my won budget, all the other are invited from the festival.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Duhok international film festival in Kurdistan

Have been long time! I know that, but I really had a very busy live with both parts in our reality, good time and bad time! but here I am agin making time to writ again.

I am in Kurdistan know, in Dohuk city, it is Duhok international film festival and I came from Erbil to join my new friends and make more contacts with Kurdish and international film makers, today is my second day in Duhok, I watched many movies, I watched Shirin film by Abas ali, Feature film, The  Guerilla son, by Zanyar Adami, Documentary, Ghost, by Dahci Ma, short film and some other short films.

I really like the idea of being in Duhok and the festival, I met many people and we already start to making plans to work in film and media in Kurdistan, I met Bery Shalmashi , Ako Sirini and Zanyar Adami, they all are film makers and they came back from Europe to work in Kurdistan.

I really believe that all my trip have been organised from last year, I got a new job last year, I could make some  money to be able to travel to kurdistan, I came and was a conference for job to meet some people, then they told me about Duhok film festival, then I met all this people! and now I am planing to come back to kurdistan for good! many other small details I cant remember now, but I will write them down when I remember :) I am sure you guys will understand!

I have feeling that the shoe I am wearing it this day is good size but not the 100% one so I am thinking to wear the one is smaller size to feel pain.

talk soon
Kawa :)

Tuesday 11 January 2011

We had an audition day on last Sunday for our new short film ( Baby-Lon).

The film is about 2 young girl wants to make interviews with some Iraqi people regarding the Uni project, there is also Shwan, the Iraqi actor in London who wants to prove him self as a great actor! the film is comedy and it is in English and Arabic language.

We will start shooting in the second week in January 2011, we are working on pre-production and everything is good so far, of course because of the great and very professional work from our Iraqi young people, I would like to thank them very much for been very organised and hard worker.

We are still looking for a blonde girl actor, age 20 to 25 for role of Kethy

The crew's name and position in the film:

Nadia Al-Dhahi: Producer

Jose Ruiz: DOP

D, Jafar Abd Al Hamid: Photografer and sound manger.

Ahlam Arab: Coordinator and casting manager

Kawa Rasul: Script Writer and Director

Struan Robertson: Script editor

Fady Najem: Camera assistant

Mostafa Ali: Light assistant

Karim Al shekh: sound and acting role of the Director

Ali Madani,: Actor

Chloe Farnworth: Actor

Dhifaf Auda: Actor

yassin Al - Asadi : Actor

Falah Jassem: Actor

Ganim Al-Soltan: Actor

Hasy Khusbak: Actor

Mabast Amin: Photographer assistant

And a very spacial thanks for D, Jafar Abd Al Hamid for all his help and advice.

We will update you next week about our latest :)

Many thanks to all of you and best regards



Wednesday 31 March 2010

From Kurdistan to City of Dreams

لقد انتهيت يوم امس من تكملت عملية المنتاج لاول فيلم الذي قمت بتصويره قبل شهرين في العاصمة اليونانية اثينه.

انه فيلم قصير يتناول جانب من هجرة العراقين الى البلدان الاوروبية من خلال اليونان, لقد كانت اليونان و بالاخص العاصمة اثينا الدار الامنة و محطة الانطلاق لجميع الدول العالم و خاصة الدول الاوربية للمهاجرين العراقين! ان اثينا كانت ارض الاحلام.

كنت انا ايضا واحدا من المهاجرين و المتلهفين للوصول الى ارض الاحلام في عام 1996 , و بعد مغامرات قد استمرت بحدود السنة وصلت الى اليونان بطريقة غير شرعية (زورق سريع) من خلال احد جزرها الجميلة رودوس ومنها الى اثينا.

عشت في اثينا لمدة 5 اعوام وشاهدة الاف من المهاجرين الذين كانو يصلون اليها , الاغلبية منهم كانو يبقون لفتره قصيرة حتى يسافرو بعدها مستخدمين الطرق الغير شرعية و الغير امنه الى الدول الاوربية الاخرى!

لقد بقيه ارض الاحلام حلما فقط لكثيرمن الحالمين الذين غرقو او انفجرت الالغام بهم عندما كانوا يعبرون الجبال و البحور متجهين الى اليونان ! وظلت عوائلهم ينتظرون وصول بقايا اجساد ابنائهم الذي لم يرجع ابدا ! وكان ايضا ماسي لبعض الناس الذي شاهدو غرق و موت عوائلهم امام اعيونهم دون ان يسطتيعو انجادهم ! انني متاكد بان الاعلام ابرز هذه الحوادث في وقتها و اهتم بالقضية كثيرا خصوصا ان المهاجرين الموتا قد اتو من احد اغنى البلدان في العالم!

لقد حاولت في هذا الفلم القصير ان اصور جزء صغير من ذاكرتي التي لا تزال مليئة بالاحداث و المغامرات التي عشتها في اليونان و حاولت توصيل الفكره من خلال الصورة فقط و ذالك لانني في كثير من الاحوال كنت ارى الصور ولا اسمع الحوار!

I have just completed my first film, made in Athens, the Greek capital.

It is a short movie focussing on Iraqi immigrants travelling from Iraq to Europe and farther west via Greece. Greece is the best and safest place to land for Iraqi immigrants as it is the eastern door to European countries and the best departure station to all other destinations. Athens is the land of dreams!

I was one of the immigrants eager to get to Greece in 1996. I arrived after more than a year of adventures on the Iraqi borders. I entered through one of the country’s beautiful islands, Rodos.

I have lived in Greece for 5 years and during my time there I have seen many thousands of Iraqi immigrants passing through Athens, most of them staying for a short time only to travel, often illegally and in unsafe ways, to other European counties.

The city of dreams remained only a dream for some people, who drowned or were killed by landmines as they tried to cross seas and mountains to Greece! It was a tragedy for those who saw their families drown or killed before their eyes without being able to lift a finger to help them!

I am sure the media reported these tragedies that happened that time, especially as the dead were from one of the richest countries in the world!

I have tried in this short film to portray a portion of my memory, which is still full of the events and adventures I have had in Athens. I tell this story by images only because in many cases I only saw the images and I didn’t hear the conversation!